< 1 min read

A message from HR on #worldmenopauseday

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Farnell Clarke

A message from HR on #worldmenopauseday

It’s #worldmenopauseday – a day to raise awareness, break the stigma and focus on the support available.

It’s a natural part of ageing in every woman’s life and it isn’t always an easy transition, especially at work.

What does your organisation currently do to support your teams and colleagues?

Often having a clear policy and guidance in place and supporting a few simple changes to someone’s working environment can make a world of difference. This can help encourage open conversations where employees feel comfortable to speak out if they are struggling.

Can our dedicated HR Advisory team help you?

With the right support the transition at work can be much better and enable a valued employee to continue to contribute to their full potential.

Our totally bespoke and cost-effective outsourced HR solutions provide you with the support and guidance you need but in a flexible outsourced solution that covers your needs as you have them. We can support with everything from employment contracts and reviewing and developing policies and procedures to helping organisations review their structure, working practices and change management. We can act in a purely advisory capacity or take a more hands-on approach, supporting your internal meetings. You can find out more about our HR offerings here.

Get in touch today to see how we can help, either with advice, training for your managers or helping you develop a guidance or strategy for your organisation.

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